Schools for Strategic Partnership

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Erasmus+ for Enrichment class 2015-2016

Reduce Reuse Recycle – joy of learning
SIS is part of a project that includes seven schools in Europe from north to south and from east to west Sweden, Poland, Rumania, Czech Republica, France, Spain and Turkey. The project is supported by Erasmus+. The theme of the project is the use of resources.  How we actually can reduce our 'throwaway' mentality! How we can open our eyes to the fact that we borrow from our next generation by making use of more than we give back of our natural environment. A bleak subject, it may seem. But it's never too late to give up - so why do it now? So what is likely for us involved to actually implement in everyday life of school - You are in charge owning your development through a creative project within enrichment. It is based on the desire to do. Wanting to change! and the feeling that it makes a difference! Some of the students in the enrichment group will go on a field trip to France in December and some might go to Turkey next year. I will be there to support your ideas and you will also be able to go on a field trip to either France or Turkey to share your ideas with students from the other schools. Below are the units of work you can chose to work with.

  •       evaluate how you can reduce packaging waste in your home- golden rules;
  •       biodiversity tour to know what biodiversity is and why it is important;
  •       choose one species and prepare migration maps;
  •       create ’green’ tour guides
  •       plant a tree - a day against deforestation - small actions can make a big impact
  •       forest day celebration or other themes for celebration
  •       identify non-native or invasive species in your local environment, research and observe the effects of non-native species on native species
  •       identify and research species and the natural history of a local hiking trail, park or natural area
  •       project to make a school garden or adopt a park
  •       organize an environmental day for others teens (series of workshops) to discuss local environmental issues
  •       organize competition of poetry about project theme
Now the question is how many students feel they want to use their enrichment time for this purpose, I have to wait and see.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Students reflection on the visit to Stockholm

Have you ever been to Sweden? No? We would probably not plan to have vacation in Scandinavian countries in the coming years. After all, the Nordic countries are not as sought-after destination for holiday. But thanks to the Erasmus + KA2 focus on ecology, where our school participated, we got this opportunity and for 8 days we visited the Kingdom of Sweden.
Our journey has given us a lot of useful experience. Not only in terms of activities where we worked at a local international school, like other foreign students from Poland, France, Spain, Romania and Turkey. The very next day after our arrival in Stockholm together we visited the oldest museum in the world and met with Swedish history. Admitted north in completely different colors and has an unshakable tour that just at the time of our stay, the city passed the royal family. Since we were in the right time at the right place, with our own eyes we saw a monarchy.
Activities and experiences were countless, even though we sucked the atmosphere Stockholm glamorous life, even at home, we will absorb the charged days.
And most of us were really unusual to the local weather. But soon we become accustomed to Nordic conditions It was extraordinary to have 8 days in Sweden but we have had not only the time there, but the road itself to the goal.

 Written by Nela Přádková, Elizabeth Bechná

A Theatre Production

In the school year 2014/2015, the Stockholm International School (SIS) had the pleasure to take part of professional knowledge straight from the artistic field in collaboration with students and teachers.

SIS is unique in its kind in Sweden when evaluating drama as a subject by itself from grade 6-10. This project has been implemented with funds from mainly Creative School grants but also the EU funds through the Erasmus+ which SIS during 2014/2017 included a partnership with six other schools in Europe.

The project's theme, Reduce, reuse, recycle - Joy of Learning, has inspired both artists and students in problem solving and creative thinking. We began to use reduced material, tried to reuse it from other subjects and will recycle as much as possible and hopefully all of us will contribute to a more sustainable society in perpetuity. Joy of learning is a constant companion in the subject drama. The method is based on the group's motivation and the techniques in drama are based on the individual needs of tools to master the meaningful aesthetic expression. These experiences will participants carry with them throughout their lives.

The abilities developed in drama are demanded in today's communicative society based on interplay. In drama, we have fun, but in a serious way.

Why The Wizard of Oz?
SIS is an international school with over 60 nationalities that are taught according to the IB's vision, based on everyone's uniqueness which enriches  everyones common experience and the environment. All are equal!

In this story about the young one who is longing for something far away, and the old one who tries to fool his way around being someone else catch all our attention.

Important issues without alluding to any special religion or cultural rite.
The triad of heart, brain and power in the form of courage are the important aspects of being human that we all can relate to even though in this story it is illustrated by a scarecrow, a lion and a tin man.

The main character, come to an important realization! The creative process of a production work of this kind is aching is way forward. What the audience got to experience with us was the ultimate reward – a  theatre play performance which was filmed and can be seen on youtube.