Schools for Strategic Partnership

Monday, July 10, 2017

Keeping the theme alive

So now our  three year project with other countries regarding reuse and environmental work has ended. Thus, not the dedication itself. The school's management has seriously taken the students' wishes to be able to sort the sources of garbage already in the classroom.

The annual day to keep our environment clean will be repeated.

Theme days continue to come as suggestions because of the theme of the project.

Teachers share their ideas about environmental thinking when planning materials for students.

Keep Sweden clean is an old organisation and they develop pedagogical activities, here is a calendar, it is in Swedish but it can still give inspiration to others.

So for this, the students click on a number and there are som tasks or experiments one can conduct. It is common in the Nordic countries to have a calendar in December as a count down for Christmas.

This organisation is supported by the governmental institution of nature

Naturvårdsverket in English: