Schools for Strategic Partnership

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Timeline for when to visit which country and the themes worked with at the time

The countries involved are except for Sweden: Portugal, Italy, Germany, Turkey andPoland. On each trip two teachers follow and five students.

The timetable is as follows:

October 2018, Poland
How to stop peer violence shown through creating a keychain of plastic using a 3D printer.

March 2019, Portugal
Interview series of people about what tolerance is for them.

June 2019, Germany
Different aspects of poverty.

October 2019, Turkey (North)
What are our differences? processed by creating a poster that is interactive.

February 2020, Italy
Disabled people - there needs and abilities viewed through an interactive comic strip with the theme "The Same". 

June 2020, Sweden
  "They were also children" short films about how elderly had it as a child as well as a visit an elderly home.

Motivation for the project from Stockholm International School

Let’s use digital tools to talk about tolerance
KA2 Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices – School Exchange Partnerships

The motivation why we wanted to participate in the project:
The theme of the project is very important to us. Since we are a truly international school with a built in diversity we have foster our students to be global citizens and we would like to hold workshops in that. We also learned from the previous project that it is in the meeting that people handle situations differently, no matter what the theme is, it is the travelling and meeting that results in friend building and in the long run peace. We also think it is important at our school to make it possible for all students, not only those who can afford a school trip to participate. We also want to continue with Erasmus+ as a window towards Europe since we have students from all around the world and this is a great way of learning.

For the first time in a project are we open up students homes for other students which will be very interesting and a big experience for our students who only speaks English and will have to be hosting other students in Sweden, making them feel Swedish. That was our experience from earlier projects where we had students from Austria, Kenya, South Korea that were referred to as Swedish. It made us realize that we are all humans and the rest is just labels depending on context.

Final post for Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

This is a final farewell to the project with 3 x R.

However, the blog remains because we were just notified of a new Erasmus + project. The Turkish school is involved also in this project. It feels extra fun because we never came to visit that school during the previous project. In view of the nice presentations that students and teachers made over their beautiful city in the northern Turkey, Anneli Thompson and I are looking forward to getting the chance to finally visit them.

That feeling is a good demonstration of that Erasmus + projects create bridges between people, friends for life and all spread in Europe and surroundings.

The common blog for the project was handled by Alexandra and can still be visited on: