Name: James Evans
Role in Project: Teacher
- What were your impressions from this trip to the Czech Republic?
Coming into this trip I had no idea of what the Czech Republic was going to look like and how the trip would develop. I was excited for new sights, sounds and meeting new people who are also interested in environmental issues. My impressions are that Czech Republic is a beautiful country with incredible history and stories. The locals are consistently proud of their heritage and history on the land and are working hard to work with the natural beauty of the country. Definitely a country I will be coming back to in the future.
- The focus for this trip was upon the concept of water. What is your personal thoughts on water usage and has it changed since/ during this trip to Czech Republic?
My main impressions throughout the trip was that water usage is a huge concern for our planet and society. Societies are not using water as it would be and so we as a people, and planet, are suffering. However meeting the ERASMUS+ project staff and students has shown me that there are many people who are interested in changing water usage and it must be both staff and students who are at the forefront of this movement. Additionally, although Czech republic is a beautiful country with lovely country side, it also hits me that even the most beautiful natural places are being heavily impacted by humans. We must all work together to reduce our waste, particularly plastics, and re consider our water usage.
- What was your most memorable part of this trip to the Czech Republic and why?
The most memorable part of the trip for me would be the trip to the Strömberg tower. This was an incredibly beautiful town set in amongst some sensational hills. The combination of the history, scenery and the group on this day made this the most memorable day for the trip.