Schools for Strategic Partnership

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Name: Minjeung Cho
Role: Student representative

  1. What were your impressions from this trip to the Czech Republic?

The trip was generally fun. There were beautiful buildings and friendly people. The food that got provided were very nice and enjoyable. I got to learn that Czech Republic was a beautiful country and that I didn’t know much about the country before. Though I loved the country, there were some things from the activities that weren’t as good. The first thing was that we couldn’t socialise enough with the Czech students. The Czech students were always divided into another bus and we didn’t have time to meet them at all. The second thing was the age group of the students. Because the students had a big age range from 13 to 17, the activities were mostly set for 13 year olds. This made the activities sometimes not interesting. As a whole, the trip was educational and fun.

  1. The focus for this trip was upon the concept of water. What is your personal thoughts on water usage and has it changed since/ during this trip to Czech Republic?

On this trip, I got to know the rivers and lakes in different countries and its usage, environment etc. I learned that there were many species living around rivers and that water was not only an important source for human but also for animals and plants. I also got to know the conditions of the rivers and the different ways each country keep them clean. These information made me think on how water was important for many living things and gave me motivation on getting our rivers and lakes in Sweden clean.
The activity visiting the water mill and hydropower station taught me that hydropower was used since long ago and that it is used quite commonly. The activities made me realise that water could be used in many different ways and forms.

  1. What was your most memorable part of this trip to the Czech Republic and why?

The activities that were prepared by school were fun, but were concentrated on water rather than on Czech Republic. When I was with the host family, I felt like I got to know more about the country so the most memorable part of this trip for me was staying with local families.