Schools for Strategic Partnership

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Timeline for when to visit which country and the themes worked with at the time

The countries involved are except for Sweden: Portugal, Italy, Germany, Turkey andPoland. On each trip two teachers follow and five students.

The timetable is as follows:

October 2018, Poland
How to stop peer violence shown through creating a keychain of plastic using a 3D printer.

March 2019, Portugal
Interview series of people about what tolerance is for them.

June 2019, Germany
Different aspects of poverty.

October 2019, Turkey (North)
What are our differences? processed by creating a poster that is interactive.

February 2020, Italy
Disabled people - there needs and abilities viewed through an interactive comic strip with the theme "The Same". 

June 2020, Sweden
  "They were also children" short films about how elderly had it as a child as well as a visit an elderly home.